Before we talk about BrowserStack Linux, let’s see what BrowserStack is.
BrowserStack (generally speaking) is typically the largest app development site, performing more than two million experiments every day across 15 multinational data centers.
They support Microsoft, Twitter, Barclays, Expedia and more than 25.000 customers offer high-quality apps easily by transferring testing to their cloud.
Their platform offers immediate access to more than 2,000 real mobile devices and browsers on a highly stable cloud service that grows as testing needs develop. With BrowserStack, Dev and QA teams will work easily and create an awesome experience for any user.
As you can see in this tweet for BrowserStack back there in 2017, when someone asked for BrowserStack Linux news from them, they said they are not planning for adding support for Linux. Look at them now!
Next, download the required BrowserStack local binary for your system: 32-bit Linux or 64-bit Linux.
Then unzip the file to the folder/directory on your desktop and open the command-line interface to navigate to the local binary folder. Run the local binary by using the following command:
./BrowserStackLocal --key YOUR_ACCESS_KEY.
This allows Live Sessions Local Testing—as well as Screenshots. To try, start a live session on your browser and scan for a local test in the docked toolbar. The green/red icon will show if the local test for your session is enabled/disabled.
Pros and Cons of BrowserStack.
I may use the press of a button to spin up instances of various devices and browsers. This is ideal for checking responsive places without the need for a plethora of physical equipment on hand. Also, Selenium testing scripts can be built into the Browserstack environment for automation testing.
Browserstack also offers a tool called that can incorporate differential UI testing into the continuous pipeline with a basic script.
This helps you to easily see if changes to the UI have been made with a new build-they can be deliberate or accidental, and it's up to the team to determine if the changes are right.
There is a drawback when it comes to usability testing-you can't use Browserstack screen readers, for example. Supported reading software is particularly critical when it comes to developing the site to be available, and this is a significant disadvantage of the browser stack.
Ok, instances may be anyone reluctant to spin, too. For safety purposes, each instance is sandboxed-but this ensures that for every site needing authentication, the user must log in any time for each new browsing session. This is a little cumbersome but it's far from a dealbreaker.